On behalf of HKCNDP, we are pleased to present to you the newly updated Homepage and Web for our Society as part of our attempt to modernize our IT communications and to render the Society activities more transparent and user-friendly.
The Society started as an interest group in 1992 and was officially inaugurated in 1994 with Professor Kenneth Swaiman, international authority in child neurology from Minnesota USA, as officiating guest. The Society shoulders important missions to provide assistance to and cooperate with other medical professionals, paediatric subspecialties and child-health related specialties, to promote standard of practice and professional image of the two subspecialties of Child Neurology (CN) and Developmental Paediatrics (DP), and to act as advocate for children suffering from diseases and disorders related to the two subspecialties.
Over the past fifteen years, the Society made significant contributions via meetings (Bimonthly Scientific Meetings, Child Neurology Conferences, Neuro-developmental Conferences, the Annual Scientific Meetings and Special Meetings on topics of current interest), publications (Manual on Child Neurology, Manual of Developmental Paediatrics, Newsletters, Society's Official Scientific Publication "the Brainchild"), Position Papers (on SLD in 2006 and on ADHD in 2007), working groups (Specific Learning Disabilities, Epilepsy Surgery, Physical Impairment, ADHD, Augmented Alternative Communication and others), as well as advocacy activities on timely issues (Myoblast Transplantation in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Developmental Dyslexia, Iodization of Table Salts in Hong Kong, Statements on Children with Special Educational Needs, Comprehensive Child Developmental Surveillance, Ombudsman's Direct Investigation on SLD Service in Hong Kong, Children's Commission etc).
The 2009 Annual Scientific Meeting on Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) was hosted in November 2009 in Hong Kong with Professor Lonnie Zwaigenbaum from Canada as Course Director who together with local experts on the clinical conditions successfully updated early Identification, Comprehensive Assessment and Evaluation, Conventional Management and Medical Therapy for ASD. We also endeavour to explore the important area of CAM for ASD (Open Forum and Keynote Lecture). We are pleased to record good participation by professionals, Funders, parents and government whose contributions at the Meeting significantly shedding light for our future work on the issue.
We provided advice and recommendations to the Hong Kong College of Paediatricians regarding both undergraduate and postgraduate training within the two subspecialties and we work closely with the Hong Kong Paediatric Society and other paediatric subspecialties in Hong Kong to create a complete spectrum of quality services in child health and paediatrics in Hong Kong.
Outside the Hong Kong SAR, the Society is the key player in coordinating development of the subspecialty of Developmental Paediatrics (DP) within the Chinese language speaking regions via annual scientific meetings between experts from Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, the Mainland and Singapore since 2003 in Macau. The 7th Meeting was accomplished in Shenzhen, China on 13th December 2009 on the subject of Autistic Spectrum Disorders with more than 200 participants actively engaged in this professional meeting of minds.
Internationally, the Society is member of the Asian-Oceanian Child Neurology Association (AOCNA) and the International Child Neurology Association (ICNA). Through these worldwide connections, members of the Society enjoy effective communications with colleagues overseas in knowledge, expertise and fraternity. The Society successfully hosted the "International Conference on Developmental Dyslexia for Children using the Chinese Language" in Hong Kong in October 2002 and supported the 9th Asian Congress of Paediatrics in Hong Kong in 1997 and the 2002 International Congress of Child Neurology in Beijing with outstanding achievements. We have organized another policy meeting on 19th November 2007 on "Hong Kong Summit on SLD 2007" with participants from transdisciplinary and intersectoral professionals internationally and locally, key stakeholders, government officials, policy makers, civil societies, parents and the general public to plan the work ahead for our children on the subject of SLD.
Professional peers in Hong Kong and abroad were always amazed that such a diversified range of activities were operated and implemented by a Society with only 87 ordinary members with absolutely no in-house secretarial support and no financial assistance from the government. Yet indeed we have been observing closely to the Code of Practice on Ethics as recommended by the "Guidelines on Relationship with the Industry" as published by the International Pediatric Association (IPA) in 2005 and managing our Society under extreme constraints of manpower and resources. This was made possible by virtue of the fact that, over the years, our Society has worked as one functional and harmoniously unit which plays the vital role to bridge up gaps within the private and the public sectors. We are extremely proud of our achievements to date, and are confident that with determination and dedication, new horizons will be reached in the subspecialties of child neurology and developmental paediatrics, so that we can effectively fulfil the Missions of our Society in serving the welfare of our children.
I wish you all reading pleasure and best of health!
Dr. Chok-wan CHAN
President of HKCNDP
14th December 2009